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About American Gateway Capital Partners

AGCP facilitates global business expansion for both Korean and U.S. companies through our international gateway advisory services.

Our team is uniquely experienced in implementing Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Solutions, and Sales & Marketing to expand markets and raise capital for our clients.

Ken Rhee, Managing Director


Mr. Rhee is dynamic, results-driven senior executive with more than thirty years experience in IBM, Arthur Andersen, and SK Group. He has accumulated expertise in new business development, project planning and management, business strategy development, turnaround management, mergers & acquisition and business incubation and advisory service through various industries such as insurance, banking, manufacturing, consumer product and retail. He has proven track record in making business transformation, setting strategic directions and building competitive positions for growing enterprises within fast-moving industries. He holds Masters Degree in Industrial Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Contact Us

1370 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1900
New York, NY 10019
United States

© 2023, AGCP, All Rights Reserved.

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